What's the max Subdivision that can be imported?

Issue #649 closed
RaxorX created an issue

Using the latest build, I can import characters with subd level 4 easily but subd lvl 5 shows no character or anything at all. It just makes a collection but the collection is entirely empty. Would be nice if this could be specified in the documentations too perhaps.

Comments (11)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Here I don’t have the horsepower to handle a full figure at 5x subdivision. But I tried with some primitives and some basic clothes and everything works fine. Apart a massive memory usage and a long export time that’s expected.

    Are you sure your system didn’t just run out of memory ?

  2. RaxorX reporter

    My specs are as such:

    32 GB ram
    Ryzen 5 3600

    Nvidia 2060 Super

    Now, to answer your questions I can’t really import a subd lvl 5 figure in blender still, exported as a wavefront format. Out of 10 times, I’d say I was able to import it once by chance but other times it failed. I thought with this I might have been able to import it up. subd lvl 4 is totally fine.

    I guess 32 gigs isn’t really enough for importing a subd lvl 5 figure then.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    you have to check the task manager, for full figures mine goes south with virtual memory that’s a sign I can’t handle it

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I rewrote the import code so the error should not arise anymore. It is a very strange error, though: the export script apparently writes “hd faces” at level 4 but not at level 5. Sounds like some kind of memory overflow in DS.

  5. RaxorX reporter

    Thanks Thomas, I’ll give it a shot again 🙂

    Yeah it just seemed weird too. I mean, native wavefront import in blender on higher subd levels took plenty of resources but via this it wasn’t that resource consuming. Hence I thought with this I might be able to import at that level perhaps.

  6. RaxorX reporter

    Getting this now though, I ticked the multi res before exporting.

    Oh also, surprisingly the exported file size for subd 5 is so much lower than before. That was really surprising.

    I guess it was just that memory overflow doing all that.

    EDIT: Welps, I thought it was the multi res but seems like subd lvl 5 still doesn’t properly import. It doesn’t make the HD figure’s mesh at all. There are no modifiers or vertex group for it.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is consistent with the previous behaviour. For some reason some HD data is not printed to the file, so the file size is smaller and the “hd faces” tag does not exist. Probably caused by some memory leak in DS. If so there is nothing I can do about it, but least we know that the problem is on the daz side.

  8. RaxorX reporter

    Sorry for that, I didn’t post back that the file difference was due to the multi res tick. Without it, it was just as normal as before when HD faces weren’t there. So I guess at the moment subd lvl 5 (and potentially above) exports from Daz is broken?

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Closing this because it must be a daz limitation. I wouldn’t call it a bug, though. At some point DS will run out of memory, and at least it does not crash.

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