Morph/shape panels...

Issue #653 resolved
ByteC created an issue

Hi Thomas,

is there a way to preserve the well categorized morph panels/sections?

After merging some of the rigs they’re only accessible through the shape key panel, which is not very handy. So do you see a possible way to edit/save/load the shape panels? (e. g. by a json / text file?)

This would be a very very helpful enhancement for sure!



PS: Sometimes the panels won’t be shown/updated. If Simple Tabs is installed (free addon by Chipp Walters, GumRoad), you can easily refresh / rebuild the panels by clicking the apply button.

Comments (5)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You should merge rigs before loading morphs, as the very first step. Then all morphs are driven by the same armature, and the issue never arises. Load morphs before merging geografts, though.

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