Importing multiple geografts result in distortion of UV maps

Issue #67 closed
AB created an issue

importing multiple geografts (in this case, futalicious, roasty), then merging of geografts cause the UVs to be heavily distorted.

single geograft with multiple UVs also become distorted.

Painting/cloning texture also affects multiple texture maps simultaneously. e.g. painting over part of geograft, causes the paint to also cover other parts of the figure

Comments (13)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    I didn’t test the geografts with the latest commit as I rarely use them. They worked fine in #38.

    Going to check as I get home.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    As for commit e66c482 the roasty bundle 3.2 seems to work fine for me. Below the screenshot after merging rigs and geografts. The uv maps are correctly preserved and the rendering works fine in cycles. I also used headlights together with roasty. Scene included.

    Be aware that the extra uv maps are handled by uvmap nodes and you have to select them first for the uv editor. I don’t get distortions.

  3. AB reporter

    I’m not sure if relevant, but I am currently using the Genesis 3 female rather than Genesis 8.

    The problem is not the roasty addon, but rather the futalicious one.

    The futalicious geograft has different UVs for different parts. Using them with the roasty add-on results in distortion of the UV.

    I should also point out that the futalicious and roasty add-on while it can be successfully merged, there is an extra Shaft 1 bone that is not merged properly. Unsure if this is just a problem with the add-ons I have or something to do with the geograft.

    If you don’t mind, could you list out what the steps are, regarding merging these multiple geografts including managing the UVs?

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Roasty for G3 is a different asset so it needs to be tested separately. Eventually I’ll check it when I have some time. Please be very specific when you post issues this avoids us to waste time.

    As for the steps to merge things you can refer to the docs, but basically they are:

    1) Use the merge rigs tool to merge all the rigs. This will bring extra bones in layer three that doesn’t get a checkbox (this is a bug) but the bones are there.

    2) Use the merge geografts tool to merge the geografts. The geografts need to be merged in their hierarchy order, and multiple geografts need to be merged together. So for the roasty plus headlights example you have to first merge roasty to futalicious, then futalicious plus headlights (select both of them) to G8F.

    3) Optionally use the merge materials tool to merge materials. I always do it for better handling of the materials in blender.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    @AB Tested futalicious v3 + roasty v3 for G3F and I don’t see uv distortions here. Rendering also works fine. Not sure about extra shaft bone, the bones seem fine to me.

  6. AB reporter

    That’s strange, as, as soon as I merge the geografts, it results in heavy distortion of JUST the futalicious UVs

    Do you normally convert all the UVs to UDIMs?

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    No I don’t use udim conversion. What I did is to merge the rigs, then merge the grafts, then merge materials. For the grafts you need to first merge roasty to futa, then futa to g8f as explained above.

    Be sure to use the v3 version that’s the one up to date. I believe it is needed for roasty to work fine anyway.

    Does your scene work fine in daz and/or do you get any error in daz for missing files ? Do you use the latest plugin commit ? Do you use the grafts v3 version ?

    Also it will help if you can post a picture of the uvmaps after merging as I did, and eventually a picture of the distortion you get. You can also post a duf file for testing, please keep it with the minimum number of assets.

  8. AB reporter

    Apologies. I’ve been away from my PC for a while and have not been able to post any images. This is what I get post merging a roasty to futalicious. Although that portion of the mesh should follow the image, it defaults to another map, which i cannot seem to adjust.
    It is fine prior to merging

    To further contextualize, this is the whole pre-merge to G3F futalicious geograft selected.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    hi AB. Your test scene doesn't include shells. That's why it doesn't work. It doesn't work in daz studio either since without shells the graft can't blend in with the figure. I guess it is either an old version of futalicious missing something, or a corrupted file, or a scene that you edited yourself by copying the shell materials to the shell geometry.

    Either case the solution is to use the new version and use shells, this way it will work fine both in daz studio and blender.

  10. AB reporter

    I was hoping to just use the geograft without the shell, as that would allow me to create a new texture from scratch in blender.

    I DID change the UV map in DAZ before importing the file into blender, thus the futalicious geograft will have two different sets of UVs for the two parts. I am unsure if changing the UV in DAZ affected it during import.

    In regards to importing, my main concern is just importing the geograft and merging it successfully with G3F without changes in the UV, if that makes sense

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