Convert pose from DAZ to MHX

Issue #68 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

When loading a pose to a MHX rig, its arms are way off where they should be, legs work pretty good, not perfect, but it’s usable, arms loads wherever they want, it would be nice if there’s a button, or do it automatically, that loads correctly a DAZ pose to a MHX rig, thanks for your work.

Comments (16)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Does the mhx rig come from the same type of daz rig, i.e. does it have the same rest pose? The mhx rig has the same rest pose as the daz character it comes from. Weird arms typically happen if you load a pose for a T-pose character (G3) to an A-pose character (G8, G8 mhx), or vice versa.

  2. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Yes, it is from the same rig, I imported a G8 character and converted it to MHX, now when importing poses from G8 the arms doesn’t load correctly, what I’m doing right now is I have a duplicate of the character but not converted to MHX, so I have the character in both Daz armature and MHX rig, so I load the pose on both of them, and then with wireframe view I move the bones of my MHX manually, it isn’t fast but it’s something

  3. Chuki Cicha reporter

    If you want just leave this as it is, I’ll try to change all my animations to rigify, I’m investigating and it’s way better than MHX, though I don’t know if it’ll be easy to copy the poses from my MHX rigs…
    Only down side of Rigify is that MHX UI is better

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    @Chuki Just tested out of curiosity and it works fine here. I imported a G8F then converted to rigify then applied “base pose kneeling b” from the base package that’s particularly picky as it requires the hands to touch the body so it’s a good position test.

    In this test I didn’t import jcms.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I finally got around to test this, and like Alessandro I don’t find any problem if you load to poses for the right type of character. That the arms are all over the place usually means that I have loaded a G3 pose to a G8 character or vice versa, but then the problem arises already before mhx.

  6. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Maybe it's something with the Merge rigs, or something, but I'm using Rigify now and it's better, so I think this is done anyways, I am the only one having this issue so there's no major priority on this, your work is great btw.

  7. Chuki Cicha reporter
    • changed status to open

    I just tested and this is what happens when importing the same pose to both a MHX rig, and a rigify rig, You can see the difference between them, don't know why, but Rigify's spine doesn't apply rotations, and the legs doesn't apply properly, tested with a lot of poses and it's pretty much the same on all, the pose is "Base pose kneeling B" if you want to try and reproduce this, just import a daz g8f, duplicate it, then convert one to MHX and the other to Rigify, apply any pose to them, and u'll see they're not equal.

    Also, if you guys can tell me what rig is better to animate with? I can see rigify has many more pose controls, but MHX has a better UI and, well, it imports better the poses

    rigify and mhx.PNG

  8. Chuki Cicha reporter

    I don’t really know why, but this is what happens to me, and it’s only with this character, it doesn’t happen with any other character, maybe I messed up something when merging rigs or something.
    Btw, is there any easy way of adding morphs to an already merged body? Because you can’t import morphs to a body that was already merged with a geograft, you have to import them before.
    And also, note that the fingers of my character are in position 0, I’ve imported hand morphs, that move the bones to a given pose, and I can’t manually move those now, I’ve created other bones to move the fingers manually, but the imported poses doesn’t load any fingers because they’re targeting the ones that have the drivers attached to the hand morphs. Any other way to do this aside of creating new bones to direct the others?

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The FK part of the mhx rig very close to the original genesis rig, with more or less the same bones and roll angles, just different bone names. This makes it straightforward to translate a pose to it. Rigify OTOH is a quite fancy rig that is meant for hand animation, and quite different from the daz rigs. So loading poses to it may not work so well.

    The black-face could be due to a missing texture perhaps.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    @Thomas If so it would be useful to report in the docs that rigify may not always work fine to import poses/animaitons, while mhx works fine.

    @Chuki Sorry I’m not an expert on mhx and rigify. I do my own simple rigs adding ik chains and leaving the daz bones alone. Just tested it out of curiosity for you.

  11. Noname

    I tested, and added new issue / proposal as I didn’t know if this should work or not, but MHX and RIgify for my test Lilith G3F character don’t allow to import properly poses. AFAIKT root of issue is with correctives poses that are not imported properly and will cause missing morphs error after pose import.

    Import correctiveness errors see issue #73

    NOTE: I only tested G3F Lilith character with G3 poses, it could be that G8 works fine.

  12. Chuki Cicha reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Yeah don’t worry, I’ll keep animating with MHX, it seems easier and I’m already used to it.
    @Thomas Larsson The black face is due to the character in Daz had a makeup done with a script, anyways I don’t use the materials on blender, maybe i’ll look into it later, but right now I use the daz materials untouched.

  13. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Rigify rig doesn't work properly by importing DAZ poses, due to its armature. MHX is better to animate, or just use the custom DAZ armature.

    My problem is resolved, importing poses to MHX rig is working as intended

  14. Noname

    Rigify - isn’t it based on metarig and base rig is still there ? Wouldn’t it be possible to apply pose to base armature → meta rig → rigify rig ?

    MHX - still errors out for me, now even units don’t work.

    I think it works for You @Chuki Cicha because pose don’t use any morphs and for me some poses also work but most of them has missing morphs and imports incorrectly.

  15. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Noname nop, i’ve already tried that Rigify thing, didn’t work
    Also, it happens to all my poses that they’re missing morphs, but they load correctly anyways

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