Geograft for geograft transfer shapekeys issue

Issue #684 closed
Miki3d created an issue

Hi there!
So I transfer shapekeys from one geograft to its child geograft (like futalicious to roasty), and they work good.
But when I save the character morphs as preset and then I load it using easy import with the transfer shapekey option flagged, the transferred shapekeys of the child geograft are gone.

Comments (7)

  1. Miki3d reporter

    So I just noticed that after using easy import (with transfer shapekey flagged) face shapekeys are not transferred to face meshes like Eyebrows, Eyelashes and face props like piercings. Thanks šŸ™‚

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I never considered geograft to geograft transfer and easy import, so it will not work. Will look into that. Merging hierarchal geografts in easy import was introduced not that long ago.

    Easy import recognizes eyelashes, and should transfer face morphs to them before merging them with the body (independent of the transfer shapekey setting). All other meshes are considered to be clothes, and only morphs labelled body are transferred automatically. That goes wrong in some other cases as well, e.g. beards and tears. But those meshes are not merged with the main body, so you can transfer the shapekeys manually afterwards.

  3. Miki3d reporter

    I see!
    What label exactly? Prefix like PMB etc? Iā€™m creating a new figure prop so I can adapt my names to get transferred automatically!
    Thx šŸ™‚

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    When you load a custom morph, you can choose the label (body part). The standard morphs are all labelled face, except body morphs, jcms, and flexions which are body.

  5. Miki3d reporter

    Got it!
    Anyway while using easy import I think I got an issue, geografts materials are not merged.
    Thanks šŸ™‚

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