Genitals appear Black

Issue #696 resolved
jstoean created an issue

Hi. After i follow these 1,2,3 steps in the picture below, i get black textures in final renders. Anyone knows how to fix it? Thank you

edit : step 2 is ctrl+click. sorry for typo

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I always merge rigs before geografts, but I don’t think it matters in this case.

  2. jstoean reporter

    thanks for the reply Thomas. as soon as i import the character into blender, i clicked “merge rigs” button merging every rigs together and still same result.

    i also tried selecting only genital rig and then base mesh rig. merged them together and still same. in viewport solid shading mode everything looks normal. but when i use material preview or render modes with EEVEE and CYCLES engines i get this weird issue.

    edit : i used another genitalia package and it works without an issue. maybe its a specific bug for victoria genitalias. idk.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Things look good here. If you look in the terminal window, do you see these lines?

    Merge ['New Genitalia For Victoria 8'] to Victoria 8 Mesh
    Info: Removed 36 vertice(s)

    Or perhaps something with the uvs. The torso and genitals uvs belong to different tiles, but that does not matter if the texture nodes are set to repeat.

  4. jstoean reporter

    yes terminal says 36 vertices removed - uv layers joined.

    i went to UVEditing tab but couldnt find anything related to genitalia.

    torso diffuse map doesnt look like yours as well. (no black mask on genital areas)

    Edit : okay finally fixed. i just unchecked “merge uv maps” option during merging geografts. hopefully it wont break something else (= thanks for help again.

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