Some proposals about Load Vector Disp Maps option.

Issue #703 resolved
东方夕惕 created an issue

I use Xin’s HD morph addon generate some VDMs. When I load them with import_daz addon, there is no “Scale“ setting, only “Midlevel“.

And can you read the json files generated by HD morph addon? It contains Midlevel and Scale value for these VDMS.

I wish import_daz can set these value automatically, thanks.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The scale value was taken from the unit scale that the character was imported with. Changed that so it now appears as a parameter when you load the displacement maps. I didn’t notice the json files before. They could be useful, but using them would change the code quite a bit and I don’t want to do that, not right now anyway.

  2. 东方夕惕 reporter


    It’s all right. I will copy the value from json file when I import VDM maps.

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