MHX Elbow/knee Parents possibility of swap

Issue #717 resolved
bouich jules created an issue


This will be a really nice enhancement, the possibility to change the MHX parent after you convert to MHX not only in the beginning.. Because sometimes we use MHX knee parent as hip sometimes as Foot, and i notice i can’t transfer my animation properly from one to another ( from a MHX rig with hip parents to a MHX rig with foot parents), and also can’t change it in the middle of animation.

I think this will be a nice adddition, the possiblity to swap parents hip, foot, master..

Thank you,

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Implemented in last mhx commit. This will now work with file linking, though, since the change happens in edit mode.

    Edit: Will not work with file linking.

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