Strange behavior with the utility, save favorite morphs (stable 1.6 and latest experimental version)

Issue #721 resolved
Buddyspencer13 created an issue

Hello again Thomas, I wanted to comment about a problem that really cost me to identify, although exactly, I could not say if it is a problem of the Addon, some strange behavior, or really is something that is happening only to me and I have something wrongly installed or wrong configured, but I found a very strange thing when importing favorite morphs in different characters.

The problem is that the saved and stored favorite morph presets of X characters, are not loaded in the main character of Genesis 8 Female, and the tool becomes useless so to speak, at least this I just identified in the variant models of Genesis 8 Female, like (Victoria 8, Mei Lin 8) happens to me both in the version I use now, the stable one, and in the last one you just uploaded, which was the one I tested to see if this problem persisted there too.

I describe the steps;

Using Diffeomorphic 1.6 Dev (

Tests with Genesis 8 Female models.

1- I loaded the following 3 models in Daz Studio, in 3 different scenes, each scene with its corresponding model, to make the comparisons.

BJ Amira, Mei Lin 8, Genesis 8 Female.

2- Export each model in Blender, in different scenes, separated, using the function, Import DAZ.

3- Load basic morphs in each model, using the function (Import Standard Morphs) and load FACS, FACS Expressions, JCM's, Flexions, I did this in each model, and save this load of repeated morphs from each model, as favorite morphs, with their names, in a predefined folder.

(BJ Amira basic morphs , Mei Lin 8 basic morphs , Genesis 8 Female basic morphs).

4- I set out to make the tests of loading favorite morphs using the tool with each model, importing the scenes from 0, and using the function of loading favorite morphs in each character, with the presets saved and loading each configuration in the different models and I could observe this:

BJ Amira > The saved basic favorite morphs of this model, worked and loaded in Mei Lin.

Mei Lin 8 > The saved basic favorite morphs of this model worked and loaded in BJ Amira.

Genesis 8 Female > The saved basic favorite morphs of this model did not work and did not load on either BJ Amira or Mei Lin, nor did the favorite morphs of Mei Lin and BJ Amira work on Genesis 8 Female.

Tests with Genesis 8.1 models

Following the same steps as the previous text, I did all the steps, but here, with different characters and here there was no problem loading favorite morph presets in each model.

Victoria 8.1, Jacqueline 8.1, Genesis 8.1

Here every favorite morph configuration repeated and saved from each model, worked and loaded in each model without problems.

I have repeated these same tests exactly the same, previously with the official stable version 1.6 and I get the same results.

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Difficult to tell. Maybe you can upload the json files with favorite morphs, in particular the one that fails.

  2. Buddyspencer13 reporter

    No problem, I will do it, but as I said it is easy to test, just load Genesis 8 female, and save a basic list of morphs quickly, then load Mei Lin 8, or any other variation of Genesis 8 F models and do the same step, saving the same morph list, (I saved FACS, FACS Expressions, JCM's, Flexions, in both models).

    So in my case, when loading the list of favorite morphs from Genesis 8 Female in Mei Lin and vice versa, they do not work for me and do not load, on the other hand, this list of Mei Lin 8 basic morphs, worked for me in other characters such as Victoria 8, Alawa 8, Amira, etc

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The tool uses character’s URL to identify the mesh, and the problem was that this was case sensitive. The URL for Mei Lin and Amira is


    and for G8F


    I.e. DAZ vs Daz. In the last commit case-insensitive URLs are used, and the problem should be gone.

  4. Buddyspencer13 reporter

    I see! it's great that you were able to fix it! thanks for taking a good look at it! but if I may ask, I see that you didn't implement it yet in the stable version? although it's not a problem in case it can change something important in the functioning of the stable version, or if it breaks something, then I think it's ok to implement it in the latest version of the Addon, if it is another type of build. After all, in my case, most of the time, I build my characters based on the default model in Daz, Genesis 8 F.

    I have one last doubt or question, do you plan to make further revisions or small fixes if found or improvements in the stable version, small things that can be considered?

    To say an example, and to mention, I saw an improvement you added in your last versions in the pose importer (Save Pose Preset saves custom morphs too) Commit 9d200ed , (Line Hair improvement) Commit 8534568

    That's my curiosity, thanks for your time making this addon better and better.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The idea with a stable version is that it should remain stable, whereas any change in the dev version may introduce new bugs. The dev version will eventually become a new stable version 1.6.1.

  6. Buddyspencer13 reporter

    I see it right, thanks Thomas, I'll wait for the possible 1.6.1 version to upgrade ahead, then, thank you very much for the continuous fixes and improvements to the addon!

    Keep up the great work!


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