How to completely remove all data from imported morphs?

Issue #723 resolved
Aaron J. Olson created an issue

So I have been working on a model for a while. I started importing some morphs, worked great, then I imported a lot of custom morphs. Probably too many, because trying to scroll through them in the list in the viewport is very laggy. I also made some changes to the rig, and some of the morphs are not longer working as expected (oops). I am still able to import morphs, and when I re-import them they work as expected. So I would like to start over clean with the morphs. Delete all of the data that was generated on the first round of imports. Is there an easy way to do that? I know I can go into the advanced section → morphs → delete categories and pick everything there, but that still doesn’t delete the standard morphs, and there are still many things left over on the rig’s object data custom properties section. Any suggestions for other things I need to delete?

Comments (7)

  1. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    I do not just want to clear the pose shape, I want to delete the pose from the Diffeo UI and all of its metadata in Blender that was propagated, as if I had never imported it.

  2. Aaron J. Olson reporter

    Thank you Eder! That worked! I had to manually delete all the shapekeys, but that was easy.

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