MHX fingers can't be posed

Issue #725 closed
凋零地獄 created an issue

I couldn’t pose fingers manually or by pose, but they can be controlled by morphs somehow.

I doubt there’s a driver problem, but I don’t know how to fix it. as showed in picture, all finger bones were driven by something, I guess the problem is caused by the armature name, but when I changed back into Genesis 8 Female it still doesn’t work.

my blender file is 1.7g, if needed I’ll upload it. can someone help me out?

Comments (4)

  1. 凋零地獄 reporter

    Problem update: now I found not only fingers stopped working, all other bones that has the same driver can’t be posed. If I go to finish section and click “make all bone posable”, the mhx rig will be messed up. I might miss pressed something and caused this problem.

    I’ll be really appreciated if someone can help

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Probably you loaded some morph which drive the body bones. Making all bones poseable is the way to fix that, but it has to be done before the rig is converted to mhx. Mhx or rigify conversion is the very last step. I usually save a copy of the file just before that, so I can go back and fix things on the original armature.

  3. 凋零地獄 reporter

    Can I clear the drivers of those bones? Will the bones be posable again and also affected by the poses?

    I didn’t save the file cause my laptop is out of space… I’ll upload my file, if you are free pls help me out 😢

    edit: I tested the rig after turning it into MHX, The finger bones are working fine, they can be posed correctly and morph doesn’t affect them. so something happened afterwards caused the problem. I guess the driver editor went wrong but I don’t know how to fix that

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