MHX switch new feature bug on keyframes ?

Issue #726 closed
bouich jules created an issue


so i was testing the new MHX feature to switch between hand*shoulder and master, which is amazing.

but there is a problem, when you switch it doesnt switch for the EXACT keyframe that you want , but it switch ALL the previous key frames.

this is an exemple at frame 1 this is how it supposed to looks like

then at frame 5 i switched to “ hand” and this is how it supposed to looks like

I made sure to insert a keyframe on 1 and 5 , but it doesnt matter because all keyframes get replaced.

i don’t know if this behaviour is normal, because there is a possibility to insert a keyframe for the switch that you want.

Comments (2)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is the same problem as we recently encountered with morphing armatures, that we need to change the armature in edit mode for each frame, see So when you go back to previous keyframes, the pole target parent is changed back to what it was. This is solved with an application handler which is triggered on frame change.

    However, since this is a quite costly operation that most people probably will not use, we don’t want it to be turned on constantly. As described in the blog post, you need to load a script into the text editor, register the script and reload the blend file. The script which updates the pole target parents is mhx_rts/runtime/

  2. bouich jules reporter

    Thank you! Indeed it's not worth even me a full time animator i won't use it much.

    will try the script.

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