Having problems when updating the addon

Issue #730 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

I was having problems using my old version addon (commit 84e07d8), so I tried to update it to the latest version, and it all went to sh*t.
Same as always, it always happens to me, as in issues #158 and #169, which were solved by either set a keyframe to fix them, or hitting the “update drivers” button, which I can’t find so I think it has been removed.

This is what happens:

Now if we take a closer look at the G8M, it’s 3 bones that are messing this up, having one of their scale axis driven to 0:

Another “Invalid python expression” is the cause of those errors:

So, once again, my bone driven morphs aren’t working after updating the addon, and I can’t “update drivers”, maybe there’s another workaoround now, I don’t know.

This problem happens if I use any commit after 5361d5a (included).


If I re-import the scene from DAZ, the morphs will work, now the problem with that is that I have to transfer my custom shapekeys (which hopefully would work) and my animations (which doesn’t).

Here’s what happens with my animations:

The right one is the original I’ve been working on, and the left one is the newer re-imported, using the same animation.

Now I’ve found two reasons on why isn’t the animation showing properly:

1st: some bones changed names, so if I change their names in the dope sheet it works (an example is the hip bone, called root before):

2nd: Some bones have their “transforms” changed:

Anyways after tweaking some of them, I’m still having trouble, some bones have their rotation mode changed, the old ones are YZX Euler, and the new ones are YXZ Euler.

After doing all those tweaks I can use the animation on the re-imported character, but it takes so much time, and I haven’t even transferred the shapekeys.

Something similar happened when I posted issue #204: when I tried to copy an animation to a newer armature, it wasn’t similar because the bones of the old and new armature weren’t the same (different rotations, tails, etc), the problem was solved by changing orientation to blender legacy, but now I can’t seem to find that setting anywhere, maybe it has been removed.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A new morph system has been introduced, but the old system is still supported in version 1.6.0. It was removed in the development version after that, so morphs from version 1.5.1 or before don’t work anymore. If you don’t want to reimport your character and morphs, you have to settle for 1.6.0. Alternatively, you could use the stripped runtime system from version 1.6.0 in later versions, cf. https://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/stripped-runtime-system.html.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    As for the renaming of the MHX bones, there used to be a tool called Convert MHX Actions, but it seems like it was removed before version 1.6.0. It is available in the pre_1_6_0 branch though.

  3. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Ok I'll try to re-import all the characters and transfer all data... Though I'm pretty sure this will happen again in some future update :(

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