add more information to import error for "some assets were not found"

Issue #74 resolved
Luke Graybill created an issue

This dialog could maybe use some love, as it is a bit vague and makes tracking down the problem assets difficult. The info editor seems to contain no further information either.

Including even just a simple list in this dialog of which assets were not found would be very helpful!

Comments (4)

  1. Noname

    Toggle system console all output is redirected there, You may also want to play with verbosity level in plugin settings panel to get more info.

    But I agree and +1 from me.

    Also there is issue when i.e. importing multiple i.e. poses / expressions etc. if one asset will error out there is no Ui notification that something went wrong it will be like everything worked fine but instead of i.e. 5 poses only 2 show in pose library.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The latest commit prints a list of missing assets in the terminal and in the file daz_importer_errors.txt.

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