Face that bug when importing if you add makeup

Issue #748 resolved
Izan Groûper created an issue

Hi, it’s my first topic ! I used import_daz long time ago. And I just came back.

But I have a issue.

I took a daz model and i put some new stuff on it. (independant makeup, eyeliner).

But after this, when I import to blender, there is shading problem.

Eyeliner shading took priority. I don’t know it’s a common thing, or if i did mistake.

But if someone can help me it could be really great !

Comments (15)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think that the problem is not the nodes you circled, but the mask nodes just above, which correspond to the diffuse overlay weight and go into the Fac input of the DAZ Overlay node. The icon suggests that regions where the texture is blue rather than black should be masked out.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    May be the issue is that the makeup is using the eyeliner_04w.png alpha channel for the overlay weight, then eyeliner_04.jpg for the overlay color. That’s unusual since a png usually gets both the makeup alpha and color, or two jpg are used for alpha and color.

    You may try to convert eyeliner_04w.png to jpg and see if it’s imported fine this way. Or use the png alpha channel in the blender nodes.

    I remember Thomas considered a number of cases for the makeup, don’t know if this is among them. Anyway we need at least to know exactly how the makeup textures are composed. Which one gets the alpha in which channel, and which one gets the color in which channel. Then a pointer to the exact product you’re using may also be useful.

  3. Izan Groûper reporter

    Well so i succed to put purple makeup but something is missing.

    First im going to say what ive done

    I changed “power” to “logarithm”

    Then i went in node eyeliner and changed “Mix” to “Add”

    But as you can see, something is missing. I took a look from daz I have purple makeup called eye_01_w and eyeliner_04. I begin to understand how to get one, but not both in same time …

    Here is my blend file : https://mega.nz/file/nfgRmKBJ#-Y9wBjv-olhFsBFuwzIqHMRKFpMPiVgZ6JA5pZ0Y7rQ (Texture packed)

    I tried to put directly here but it doesnt work since i tried.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    The blend file can’t be uploaded because of the daz eula. Also I’m not sure how much it is useful anyway. You have to upload the duf file, together with links to the used assets in the scene.

  5. Izan Groûper reporter

    I tought my blender file packed will be enough 😞

    Never mind, i send you a new link folder : https://mega.nz/folder/af5n2SrL#gmHQRqKhTiFM5FE9fc4sUg

    There is blender file, daz file, assets use, kai’sa model daz.

    From what i understand, two shader eye_01_w and eyeliner_04. I has conflict, so blender chooses only one texture and one color instead of separating them

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Again you can’t upload the daz files. Don’t know about the models by Merade but from what I understand they are game conversions so stolen models to start with. Then the fact that he’s asking money on patreon and people do pay for them I do not comment.

    I understand you use the following assets.




    Then does the essential makeup work for you on Blue HD or a plain G8F ? Can you make an example of the issue without using the models by Merade ?

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Ok I believe I got it.

    The issue is in the essential makeup product. That’s using for example a "eye 1_d3" texture generated by blending the alpha channels of two png textures. The plugin can’t understand that and doesn’t convert it correctly.

    So we should read the duf file.

    And convert as follows.

    Test file makeup.duf included. That’s using the essential makeup with G8F.

  8. Izan Groûper reporter

    I have succeeded! Finally I believe, a friend told me that you were extraordinary, level of speed and help. It's easy to understand, you explain well for tard like me , there are pictures, you answer quickly. to resume, you are really incredible. I didn't think I had such qualitative help. Thank you and I wish you all the best!

    we risk seeing again :)

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    Thank you for your kind words but I only try to help Thomas for what I can. It’s him who does all the fixings and other amazing things here.

  10. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There is now a fix that solves this case. However, it is sort of ugly since the generated node group depends on whether the layered image is used as a mask (as in this case) or as a color. The support for layered images is still very limited.

  11. Alessandro Padovani

    Tested some different makeups and commit 0ae071f seems to work fine here. Thank you Thomas for the fast fix as always. As for layered images I myself don’t know how many operators they support, so I guess it’s good to add fixes as we meet them.

    If Izan has nothing to add we may mark as resolved.

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