Struggling with golden palace, storming the palace morphs.

Issue #752 resolved
Kyle konrath created an issue

Hi I would like to apologize upfront I do belive this is user erorr but I am stuggling to find out what I am doing wrong and why it does not seem to be working for me. When I go to import “custom morphs” and for example select any of the “vagina presets”. They appear at the bottom at the UI as I would expect and the silder is there but when going to change the values nothing happens. I have tried all options and nothing. Any help would be much appreciated and sorry for my ignorance.

Version I am using is the latest development version of 1.6.1

Comments (17)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This may happen if you have two custom panels open with the new morph UI introduced in issue #742. The plugin defines a separate class for each scrollbar dynamically. This should happen automatically, but in some cases it doesn’t, and then the scrollbars become locked if two categories are open at the same time. If this happens you can fix this manually with the Update Dynamic Classes button.

    I will write a blog post about this some day.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    May be a better name would be “update panel“ since “dynamic classes“ makes little sense to the user, though I understand it’s technically what the code does.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 2.93.5, diffeomorphic

    As for golden palace I did a test myself and there’s something odd. It seems the custom morphs don’t work fine. I suspect that not all the missing morphs are loaded properly when we import a new morph. Or they are not always driven correctly.


    1. import the test scene “golden.duf”, that’s G8F with golden palace
    2. merge rigs
    3. import “full genitalia preset“ as custom morph, this will also load a bunch of morphs that are driven by the preset
    4. apply the “full genitalia preset“ morph, the result is different than in daz studio

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    update (possible workaround). If I import all the custom morphs, instead of importing only “full genitalia preset“, then the preset works fine. So I suppose not all the missing morphs are loaded with the preset. May be this is also the issue reported by Kyle with “storming the palace“, that’s a collection of presets for golden palace.

    @Kyle konrath Please try to import all the golden palace custom morphs first, then import the storming presets. Let us know if this works. Please note that to import the custom morphs you can select all of them at once in the file selector, there’s no need to import them once at a time.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It is best to load the basic morphs first and secondary morphs that build on the basic ones later. The plugin loads missing morphs, but not recursively IIRC. So if you load some custom morph that uses Eyes Closed but haven’t loaded the face units, there is a problem, because Eyes Closed uses Left eye closed and Right eye closed.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Then everything seems to work as intended here. As for the automatic search for missing morphs, and its limitations, may be this is an important note to add to the docs.

  7. Kyle konrath reporter

    First of all wanted to say thanks for taking the time to help and answer my issue. I do appreciate it.

    I must be doing something wrong or I am not getting my head around it.

    My work flow is as follows (Blender 2.93.5, DAZ Studio, Diffeomorphic

    1. Import with “Easy import” JCMS, Experssions, Face units, visemes, merge geografts and flexions.
    2. Import custom morphs and import Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\GoldenPalace\GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2\Morphs\Meipex\Base\. All of the morphs their
    3. Import custom morphs again and go to Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\GoldenPalace\GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2\Morphs\Meipex\StormingThePalace\. All of the morphs their as well.

    Some of the vaules work but others dont seem to. I must be missing something here or does it not work? My main goal is to either get “Basic shaping presetes gen Vagina open 4” or the one that comes with Stroming the palace. I have also noticed that some of the morphs from Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\data\Meipex\GoldenPalace\GoldenPalace_Genitalia_v2\Morphs\Meipex\Base are missing for example “Vagina open 3”.

  8. Eder Rogerio Deana Juliette

    I do agree with Xin. If I got it, Kile's problem is that the mesh is not affected when he set a value in the respective morph slider. So, it is not related to the panel slider. The morph is in the list after Kile import it. But no function.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    @Kyle konrath You have to import the morphs BEFORE merging geografts, or they will not work. So in point 1 do not merge geografts in easy import, you merge them later after importing the custom morphs. Also be sure to import all the custom morphs before importing the presets, as you do in points 2 and 3. This should work.


    1. easy import without merging geografts
    2. import custom morphs, all of them
    3. import presets
    4. merge geografts

  10. Kyle konrath reporter

    @Alessandro Padovani Its worked! So it does look like you have to follow those steps word for word which is fine! Thank you so much for you time and patience everyone will be closing the thread now!

  11. Alessandro Padovani

    This is to add that commit f9b1e2a works great here. That is, it is no longer necessary to import all the custom morphs first, we can import a preset and the plugin will search for all the missing morphs and import them too.

    Thank you Thomas for the fix, this makes it much easier to eventually import only the presets we’re interested in.

  12. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The last commit loads missing morphs recursively. This works if the relation between a morph and its submorphs is defined in the combined morph file, but not if it is defined in the submorph files. E.g., the file for Eyes Closed specifies the formula

    Eyes Closed = Left Eye Closed + Right Eye Closed,

    so the missing morphs will be loaded. But the file for CheeksBalloonPucker doesn’t contain any useful information. Instead the files for Left and Right CheekBalloonPucker contain the information that they contribute to the combined morph. Since there is no way to deduce that there are missing morphs by looking at the CheeksBalloonPucker file alone, this morph will not load its submorphs.

    AFAIU, the only way to fix this is to scan the entire DAZ database, which we talked about anyway in another context. But this is not something that we want to do automatically.

  13. Xin

    I don’t know how much you are interested in solving that (I’m fine with the way the addon works now), but one way to maintain a database more efficiently would be to save a file containing the database info to disk, then when the addon is initialized next time it only updates those files which have changed or are new relative to the stored database info, instead of rescanning the entire daz directory from the beginning.

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