'Import Pose From Scene' does not import custom morph values

Issue #757 resolved
Viktor Vošček created an issue


I’m on the latest stable relase. I successfully imported a character with (among other things) custom morphs that control the hair (Blow/Style dials). I set up my pose in DAZ, and while doing that I also changed one of the Blow dials via the ‘Shaping’ tab. I wanted to import the pose into my Blender file so I used the ‘Import Pose From Scene’ function. I made sure ‘Affect Morphs' and ‘Report Missing Morphs’ is checked. After choosing my scene file and clicking import, my pose gets succesfully transferred into Blender, except custom morphs which didn’t transfer at all. No error about missing morphs either.

When I try to import the Blow dials as a pose preset (.duf file) they work as intended.

I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if this is just a limitation. I’m attaching a quick screencap.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yup, the Import Pose from Scene button didn’t have any support for morphs, even though the UI suggested otherwise. Such support was added in the latest commit.

  2. Viktor Vošček reporter

    Okay, I downloaded the latest commit, tried again, and now it works as intended! This will speed up the workflow even more. Thank you for the fast response and continuous work on the plugin.

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