Can't get DForce to auto-import as per "DForce Simulations" post

Issue #762 resolved
Jester Tickett created an issue

I can’t get Diffeo to import the adaptations as detailed in Thomas' DForce Simulations post. Here’s a shot showing the version of Diffeo I’m currently running (i.e. the latest, 1.6.0 version, so far as I can tell):

These are my global settings:

…it seems that the global settings interface has changed a bit since the Thomas' April DForce post, as I can’t find these settings (taken from the blog post) either in my global settings or elsewhere:

Although I can seem to prompt Diffeo to generate a DForce pin group on the desired mesh with my current set-up, its weight painting seems to be entirely set to 0:

…and the character (GM8) has no collision modifier whilst the garment (dForce Monk for Genesis 8 Male(s)) has no cloth physics, as shown in this pic:

I’m entirely expecting this to be stupidity on my part, which is why it’s more of a question than a bug report!

Thanks for your time

Comments (4)

  1. Jester Tickett reporter

    Great, thanks Thomas. So the answer was in the very next blog post! I initally used Blogspot’s search function to look for “DForce”, but I guess it only searches titles, not the contents of posts. It looks like you’ve updated the “DForce Simulations” post to save this issue coming up again. Smart idea. Again, thanks for your time.

    Case closed!

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