Convert to MHX body error

Issue #773 resolved
bouich jules created an issue


when i convert to MHX and move hip bone i am having this problem with almost all models, i dont know how it started to become like that, never had this issue before.

Comments (6)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    that’s really weird if i add a random pose then remove the pose, it works if not i have this bug.

    i use blender 3.0 beta

  2. bouich jules reporter

    with blender 3.0 beta, import a model and convert directly to MHX then try move hip, this bug will appear.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Looks like an update problem. I had the same problem, but when I selected the mesh and selected some vertex group the mesh jumped into place.

    This could very well be a problem with the Blender beta. If the problem persists in the final release I may have to add some update code at the end of the mhx conversion.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    A different update function is now called at the end of the mhx conversion, and that seems to do the trick. How and when things are updated is a bit of a mystery to me.

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