Visible seam with HD body when merging geograft

Issue #783 closed
Jake created an issue

Basically, when I merge a geograft with the base body that has an HD multires modifier on it, it makes a visible seam where the geograft started before I merged it with the body. From a close inspection, the line also appears to be slightly pulled inward compared to the other vertices of the body.

I used this guide to get everything working:

Is this just something that I have to deal with if I want to have an HD mesh or am I doing something wrong?

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This sounds like a duplicate of #223. I’m rereading that thread but I don’t think the issue was fully resolved, but maybe you can get fresh ideas by looking at it.

  2. Jake reporter

    Yeah, that’s the same issue. Too bad I found actually the same solution that doesn’t fix it completely.

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