Torso transparency with Golden Palace, and 'ivory' body texture with G8.1F

Issue #798 resolved
Jimmy Compton created an issue

Hi. Let me just start by saying what a wonderful thing you’ve done here. I don’t know what I would have done if you guys hadn’t come along.

Okay, so here’s my issue. I’m using version 1.6.1 of the importer with Daz Studio Pro. I’m trying to import G8.1F with the Golden Palace add-on into Blender. However, when I do, her lower torso is still visible where it intersects with Golden Palace. Not only that, but her torso also appears as an ‘ivory’ material. I’ve tried this with G8F as well. Same issue, except the torso doesn’t appear ivory. I’m sure I’m probably doing something wrong. I just don’t know what it is, and I’ve searched high and low but haven’t been able to come up with any ideas.

Here are my settings on import:

And here are some screenshots of the issue.

G8.1F torso:

G8.1F intersection:

G8F intersection:

Thanks in advance, and thanks again for all your work on this amazing plugin.

Comments (7)

  1. ByteC

    Oh and just in cate, don’t forget to switch “Head - multiple” to “Head - off” else the neck will stay white as well 🙂 -

    If you have more than one shell, don’t forget to repeat these steps for all shells (GP can have two)

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Just to be clear. Usually these shell fixes are done by the “shell fix“ tool included with the geografts by Meipe. But the tool is bugged and doesn’t work fine with G8.1, even with the G8.1 version of the geografts. This should be fixed by Meipe. See #790. Meanwhile you can fix the shell by hand as explained above, that’s what the “shell fix” tool should do.

  3. Jimmy Compton reporter

    You guys are amazing. Thank you so much.

    Now that I have her in there with the shell properly corrected, and it’s merged with the figure, how do I go about actually using the morphs for Golden Palace? I tried Import Custom Morphs, and they do show up under Shapes, but the actual morph dials don't appear to have any effect.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  4. Jimmy Compton reporter

    You’re absolutely right. I had Merge Geografts checked on import.

    Once again, thank you guys so much. What you’re doing here is seriously amazing. I definitely wouldn’t be able to do what I do without you.

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