How can I replace a shapekey in the Morphs categories?

Issue #807 resolved
Jake created an issue

I noticed that the “Frown” Face Unit shape key is messed up in my model (the model doesn’t frown with that shape key, it like blows up and I don’t know why, I imported it way back when I imported all of the morphs from Daz) and I need to replace it, but the thing is, I’ve already merged a geograft with the base meth, so I’d need to export the whole model from Daz and add that to the current model, but it seems to be impossible with the import Daz morphs that are not in the shape keys tab in the Object Data Properties panel.

I have a backup of the body before I’ve merged the geograft, but I need to redo all of the armature parenting and everything with corrective morphs that have drivers in clothing and that’s a pain in my butt.

Comments (5)

  1. Jake reporter

    I think it’s messed up because it doesn’t drive the Lip Corner bones (I’ve unlocked the bones in the armature for free movement before). Not sure why it does this with just this shape key as all the others work seemingly fine.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There are two ways to add shapekeys to a mesh where geografts have been added.

    You can use the feature described in However, this requires that the option Load To Modified Meshes was enabled when the character was imported, and doesn’t work if the mesh has been edited manually.

    A safer way was described in

    1. Reimport the character.
    2. Import the morphs to the new character.
    3. Transfer shapekeys to the old mesh.
    4. Delete the new character.

  3. Jake reporter

    Even when I used the backup non-merged model and reimported that shapekey, it was still messed up. It’s definetly because it’s not taking the bones affected by the Frown morph.

    I’ll see if what you suggested works.

    Edit: To be honest, even if I could replace the said morph, it wouldn’t change a thing, because the bones aren’t moving with the shapekey. I really don’t know why. I gotta see if they even work with the morph and a brand new model.

  4. Jake reporter

    Hey, I made a new scene and imported my character as well as the Frown Face Unit and it’s still broken. I noticed that also Smile is broken where it doesn’t move the mouth corner bones.

    Edit: Interesting, I imported just the default G8F to Blender and the Frown morph works just fine. Can’t I just import my Daz scene to Blender or do I have to import the default G8F figure and add my character as a shapekey? Because it feels like that it doesn’t work otherwise.

    Edit 2: I’ve been thinking, is this because my character is actually shorter than the default G8F? I just remembered this as I tried import mine as a shape key to the G8F, but it has a shorther skeleton, so that’s a huge issue.

    Edit 3: I applied a random legs length morph in Daz that made the default figure shorther, imported that to Blender and it works just fine with the Face Units morphs. Curious.

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