UV layout for Graft item suggestion

Issue #81 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

As default when we merge graft item, it keep the original UV layout

so it may locate to 1001 to 1010, as same as body mesh UV layout. then it may merge on one tile.

but UDIM can use 2 dimension, so we can set Graft mat UV as 1011 to 1020 or 1031 to 1040 etc

like this pic, (I manually move it ,as usually I do so to keep comatiblity for other app)

Then hope to see, if add on auto locate graft item UV, not same low (1001 to 1010)

but use new low (1011 to 1020) for graft item, when we merge mesh with graft item.

so we can keep the UDIM layout clean when we need to keep separate UV tile.

Comments (10)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    hm,, when I try it,, it can not set as 1011 to 1020, maybe property min and max set so? (or if it is soft-limit, I suppose I could input the number for second V low.

    as you see, the gen UV map can not merge with other UV tile (where genesis body UVs locate) . without I make new surface group and separate mat groups. after all, some part may need to locate to other UV tile,

    where genesis body not use .. (or I miss something ?)

  2. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes I suppose it need to edit the udim.py.

    Though I can not confirm, if it work ,when I change min and max.

    l(the code I edit max as 1090 for U10 X V10 UV layout (it is common

    and I suppose it is limit for most of app offer)

    though we seldom use too high value.

    class DAZ_OT_SetUDims(DazOperator):
        bl_idname = "daz.set_udims"
        bl_label = "Set UDIM Tile"
        bl_description = (
            "Move all UV coordinates to specified UV tile\n" +
            "Do this on geografts before merging.")
        bl_options = {'UNDO'}
        tile : IntProperty(name="Tile", min=1001, max=1090, default=1001)

  3. engetudouiti reporter

    I see it never work. because you do not use V dim for current functions

    which related with.

    if we think UDIM cordinate, it should be 2 dimension. Though daz only use 1001 to 1010 for base figures, and daz default graft item, we can locate them 1001 to 1010 but, if you add some graft horn, genitals,, it may easy over the low when merge.

    I remain this as future request. (, hope to use the tool to locate UV as 2 dimension)

  4. engetudouiti reporter

    Yes thanks.

    Then sorry it is my mistake, but actually max value For 10 X 10 should be

    1100. so if you up-date something next, hope it will be set as 1100.

    (it is standard,, though I do not know I will use 1091 to 1100)

    tile : IntProperty(name="Tile", min=1001, max=1100, default=1001)

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