IK Fingers Custom Bones (Enable/Disable)

Issue #815 resolved
Eder Rogerio Deana Juliette created an issue

Thomas, if that is not too much trouble, could you set an enable/disable button in the mhx panel for the custom ik fingers and config it as disabled, initially after the conversion.

While I think ik fingers are helpful, I don't use them most of the time. So having the custom bones always active is distracting.

Maybe, as an option for not to pollute the enable/disable panels, the layers for these bones could be enabled/disabled automatically when we set on/off the for the ik fingers in the properties panel.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    There already are properties for Finger IK. They are called Left/Right Finger IK, and are located just below the Long Fingers properties (which are overridden by Finger IK). But I agree that property should control the visibility of the ik finger bones, because now the viewport is cluttered with bones that normal don’t do anything.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I moved the finger ik bones to the same layers as the long fingers (Left/Right Hand). The visibility is driven, so the ik bones and the long fingers are only visible when they do something, and never at the same time.

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