MHX rig give different location/rotation than normal RIG.

Issue #833 resolved
MakLs created an issue


so when i import animation or pose to a normal rig everything is fine:

i have this animation with many hidden body units jcm i guess?

it looks perfect on normal rig:

but if convert to MHX:

the hand and arms have different location…

how to fix that please?

Comments (11)

  1. MakLs reporter

    im almost sure its some driver/jcm issue, the MHX is not compatible with them.

    here are both..

    mhx is very different than normal rig.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Some bones in the mhx rig are oriented slightly differently from the daz rig, and that is probably was causes the difference. In particular, the bend and twist bones (upper arm and forearm) are perfectly aligned in mhx, so they can be controlled by the long arm bones. You will see a similar difference if you load a pose to rigify.

    What I usually do when working the mhx rig is this. First I load the pose a rough start, then snap the arm and leg IK bones, and finally move the IK bones into position. Even with the original daz rig the hands and feet may end up at the wrong place, unless the pose was made for precisely that character.

  3. MakLs reporter

    ok but when there is an animation.. i have to move them manually every frame?

    i like to an animate in daz and import my action to blender but morph never work in mhx.

    also there is a much much bigger problem:

    my mesh have breast morphs, left side is normal rig, right is mhx side, in the MHX rig the shapekey are totally different, did the new breast bounce cause this issue for mhx ?

    anyway the breast shapekey of MHX are totally different than normal rig, and i can’t animate using it.

  4. MakLs reporter

    they both have the shapekey working:

    but MHX version looks really bad and not like the normal rig. 😭

    i want use mhx to animate.

  5. MakLs reporter

    hmmm, maybe because the MHX have this?

    the pectoral(drv) locked, even if i clicked before on make all bone poseable before converting to MHX, so myabe this what doesn’t let mhx works properly?

    but not sure i don’t know .. what i know is MHX shapekey unfortunately doesnt work like normal rig.

  6. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The pectoral(drv) bone is on a hidden layer and shouldn’t be posed. Make All Bones Poseable creates another pectoral bone (without (drv)) which can be posed.

    But I must confess that I don’t understand your workflow. If you want to animate in daz, why not stick with the original daz rig? Mhx is for animating in Blender. That said, there is a tool in the Animation tab that lets you convert the entire animation to ik, and you can then adjust the location of the hand frame by frame. But that involves a lot of manual labor, yes.

  7. MakLs reporter

    Thank you, regarding the hand no problem i will manually adjust them.

    but why are the shapekey not working properly in MHX ? why are they working great without mhx.

    this image left side is without mhx, and right side with mhx.

    without mhx all the breast morph works perfect, but with mhx it does not. so i’m pretty sure there is some bug out there.

  8. MakLs reporter

    also MHX is supposed to support pectoral body morph, why are not those shapekey working on MHX 😢

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Did you add the breast morphs before or after converting to mhx? You should first add all morphs, then convert to mhx. Adding morphs after conversion may work, but it is not really supported. I usually do everything with the daz rig and save the file, then convert to mhx and save in a different file. In that way I can go back to the first file and add additional features more safely.

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