3 rigs on import

Issue #839 resolved
Jimmy Compton created an issue

Hi. I’m getting 3 separate rigs on import, and I’m unable to modify certain parts of the body.
The character is the Genesis 8 Female, and these are my settings on import:

The 3 rigs are the one from Rigify:

The metarig:

And a third rig, which I’m assuming is supposed to control things like breast movement:

However, when I do select one of the bones for the breasts, and attempt to rotate it…

…X and Z are ‘purpled-out’, and nothing seems to affect the mesh at all.

So I’ve clearly done something wrong here, I just can’t figure out what it is. Am I supposed to merge this rig to Rigify or something? I’m almost certain I had “Merge Rigs” checked on import. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    It looks like some error occurred during the conversion to rigify. Normally both the original daz rig and the metarig are deleted after the rigify rig was created (at least if you do it from easy import), but here they remain. Are there any error messages in the terminal window?

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Jimmy, you also need to make all bones posable, otherwise you won’t be able to animate correctly, for example the breast bones are driven that’s the “purpled out“.

    Thomas, you may want to always make all bones posable for the easy import since this is quite “unavoidable“ and makes little sense for it to be an option. Same for merge rigs and create duplicate bones.

  3. Jimmy Compton reporter

    Thank you so much.

    You’re right. There was an error on import that I missed. I tried importing just a G8F with Futalicious and the following settings:

    This is the error I received:

    And as you can see in the outliner, I still have three separate rigs. 😕

    The good news is that Rigify now has the bones for the breasts, Futalicious, etc. Should I just delete the other two rigs, or no, are they indicative of another problem?

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    You may want to update your diffeomorphic version that’s from April 2021, many bugs were fixed since then.

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