Weird pivot points with G8F's fingers

Issue #843 resolved
Jake created an issue

They’re nothing like on Daz. Some bone might have the XYZ coordinates flipped with some has them titled ever so slightly so that the finger rotates little bit to the side. When I apply the MHX rig, it’s very apparent as the finger tips rotate to the side.

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Strange. I don’t see that behaviour. The local axes are flipped since Y must point along the bone in Blender, but if I rotate all fingers around X they move in parallel. Is this mhx only or do you see the same thing with the original daz rig in Blender?

    Another issue is that both the long fingers and the ik targets are visible at the same time. They shouldn’t be.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Jake, please state you daz studio, blender and diffeomorphic versions when reporting bugs. Otherwise Thomas of course assumes you’re up to date that’s not always the case. Then the exact steps to follow to reproduce the bug also helps, unless it’s trivial.

  3. Jake reporter

    Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Diffeomorphic I found, it’s just how Daz handles things. I noticed that if you move around bones with say G8F, then export the result as a morph, import that morph to another G8F figure and use adjust rigging to pose, it’ll do just what I showed even in Daz3D. I think the fact that the fingers are rotated to the sides a bit makes it worse, so my advise is export the morph first to Blender, then export the pre-baked model’s skeleton to Blender and apply your morphed figure to the pre-baked skeleton.

    And if you must move around the limbs, apply the default pose to your figure, bake your figure with whatever morphs you had on it, import it to a new G8F figure and with that, copy the pose you would’ve baked into the morph prior to this so that the bone coordinates are preserved and not baked. I think when the coordinates get baked, Daz gets confused and does that at least with the fingers. I haven’t seen legs, the torso, head or arms do the same even when their coordinates are baked as well, but I reckon they’ll to get messed up just a little bit.

  4. Jake reporter

    Even with “Adjust orientation” turned on in the rerigging tool, the result is not the same:

    Baked morph with the finger1 bones rotated all the way up

    Same morph and same rotation with fingers before baking

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