Errors occured when convert to widgets

Issue #861 resolved
Yek Bruce created an issue

I just followed the steps below:

  1. load G8F and the face controls
  2. import, merge rigs, and check”merge non-conforming rigs”
  3. load facs, make all bones posable
  4. convert to widgets

And error occured:

I tried converting before making all bones posable but it didn’t help. BTW I used g8f figure and g8f face controls, not g8.1.

Comments (15)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I cannot reproduce this bug, but I added a check that should prevent it from happening anymore.

  2. Yek Bruce reporter

    G8.1 works fine, but g8f still doesn’t work. The errors didn’t occur, while after converting to widgets, most of the bones were marked as unused bones and deleted, the rest bones didn’t affect any facs.

  3. Yek Bruce reporter

    Or maybe the importer is just not completely compatible with g8f face control,so only a small part of the controllers can be used?

  4. Yek Bruce reporter

    I tried g8.1 control in blender, it did work, although it is not compatible with g8f in DS… thanks.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I’m not sure what you did. If I make a character with the face controls that are bundled with DS, and easy import into Blender with the following settings, I get all the face controls.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, as I understand it Yek used the g8 controls in the shop.

    Yek, yes I mean the g81 controls work in blender. Please mark as resolved if you’re fine.

  7. Yek Bruce reporter

    One last question is that I found the mouth open morph is not like what it is in DS😂 The mouth corner looked unnatural.

  8. Alessandro Padovani

    Here it is the same. How do you get it different ?


    1. import g8f, merge rigs, make all bones posable
    2. import “mouth open” from the face units

  9. Yek Bruce reporter

    It is the same on g8f default female, but the mouth corner didn’t act correctly on my own character, just like the first image I uploaded. Can I take this reasonable because of the difference of the shape between my character and the default? BTW I think making all bones posable should be after import the morph, or there will be still some bones not posable.

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