Rigify: Why Y Lock?

Issue #865 resolved
Midnight Arrow created an issue

When converting a figure to Rigify the FK bones for the arms and thighs are locked on the Y rotation axis. But the locked Y axis interferes with the Snap FK to IK operator and always results in the bone not being able to twist enough to match the IK pose. I’m not sure if the locked axis is intentional or just an oversight from merging the separate bend and twist bones together. But being able to match FK and IK is essential for good posing, so locking the Y axis should not be the default behavior.

Comments (5)

  1. Midnight Arrow reporter
    • changed status to open

    I just checked this in the latest dev branch and I mostly approve, but there's one still issue: the forearm Z-axis should still have a lock on it since arms don't bend sideways. With that removed it's difficult to use trackball rotation on the forearm since it bends in non-anatomically correct angles.

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