Would not you add preset system for morphs?

Issue #87 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

It is related with issue #84

I finally could make export and import preset function (with use json), then added it to my custom add-on.

but I know, my add-on include many things which others may not use. 😅

And use 2 different tab to save DAZ morph value as json preset, and load it, is somehow un-flexible.

So I hope if you add these function in your DAZ importer, and apreciate if test these preset funcitons.

  1. save morph preset(json)

At current, it simply save all DzXXXX morph values with select rig.,and click save. it will open blender browser,

then auto set file_name as current blend scene file, (like scene_preset.json) in same directory of blend.file.

so if current active_object have no DzProps it not save anything. and at current I do not make erroer handling etc.

it generate json in same directory, (of course you can choose directory, and file name as you like,

but for me, use same directory, with blend flie name seems reasonable)

2. load morph preset(json)

select rig (object) which you hope to import preset,

then click “load”. it will open blender file browser, with auto-set file path and name.

(of course you can choose, json, which you saved with another name,, and directory)

it load json dictionary,, then it only change morphs, which , current rig dictionary key and json key much.

Then you can use same preset, for another scene, (but if you use G3 morph preset, for G8 actor,

maybe it not work well.. but it may not cause problem for you)

I found there seems still up-date problem when change prop with script, so add fake function,

to force up-date. then it up-date morphs correctly,

I know, there have many space which I can improve

a, maybe good to render img when save preset, as json name. (

b. as I requested, so I really hope you add prefix for custom morphs,, (DzC or DzZ etc)

then I can save all morph value which plug-in currently set,

c. may better to offer some infomation, when user miss used,,,

As I said,, this function should be better, when merged in same plug in UI.

So I really hope Thomas look and apply preset system in current Daz Importer plug in.

Which may offer, user can save shape preset, with mix use blender pose library in Blender.

as same as we save parameter preset in daz studio.

Comments (3)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I clodsed but if you will merge preset related button in your plug in ,

    I hope preset related menu will locate here, to keep current UI and use easy.

    And hope,, add some pre-fix for custom morph pleeeeeeeeease,,

    (I often use custom morph, so hope it add prefix for ID but use “Dz” as first 2 letter.

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