Face unit morphs broken

Issue #876 closed
Jake created an issue

I’m pretty sure I made a thread about this issue some time ago and found a fix for that was to export all morphs into one, import that as a baked morph and import it to Blender, but for some reason that isn’t working now. Frown morph especially is just totally broken because for some reason some bones are completely ignored.

Here’s the model in Daz studio with the Frown unit set to 100%

Here’s the same thing in Blender.

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Works fine here.


    1. import g8f, merge rigs, make all bones posable
    2. load the frown morph from face units

  2. Jake reporter

    Hey, I managed to fix it by just exporting one figure in one scene. I had two figures in the scene (the other was needed for editing the skeleton in Blender), so I removed one of them and it started working properly.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    You can import multiple figures just tested and works fine here. May be you only loaded the morphs in one figure ? Otherwise please describe the exact steps if you feel there may be a bug in a particular condition.

    my steps:

    1. in daz studio load multiple figures
    2. import in blender, for each figure merge rigs and make all bones posable
    3. for each figure load the morphs

    edit. note. If you used easy import that’s only for a single figure as explained in the docs.


  4. Jake reporter

    Basically, I needed 2 figures to fix this face pose bug and the finger bug where I basically took the pre-baked figure’s skeleton and pasted the other baked figure’s facial bones to the former. I can’t use the pre-baked model with facial animations because otherwise the facial bones break as seen in this thread, so I have to bake the morphs together and import that to Daz and then import that to Blender, which fixes this issue. And I can’t use the baked figure when posing fingers because baking previously rotated fingers or toes breaks them in Daz. And because I had both the baked and pre-baked figures in one scene, Diffeomorphic broke both of them. I had to save each figure in their own scenes until I managed to get what I wanted.

    So, I reckon Diffeomorphic thought that they were both the same figure, which is why both of them broke.

    This is no huge issue as I noticed, but just thought it would’ve been easier to have them both in one scene and import both once instead of 1 at a time that I ended up doing anyway.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Merge Rigs tool has the option Separate Characters, which only merges rigs that belong to the same figure. There is no such option for Easy Import, but it still doesn’t seem to merge different characters. So having multiple characters in the same file should work fine.

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