Import Pose - Incorrect rShldrBend rotation

Issue #878 closed
LazingInTheHaze created an issue

I’m trying to import a pose from DAZ.

All looks fine expect the rShldrBend (same happens on lShldrBend) which reports different values from DAZ in x and z channels of Rotation as shown below.

If I put manually the values from DAZ, the figure assumes the same pose as I see it in DAZ.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This is probably the same bug as #866, which was fixed this morning. Note that in the latest commit, the rotation mode is YXZ rather than YZX.

  2. LazingInTheHaze reporter

    Read the other bug and manually corrected in my already imported figure the rotation mode as in your picture. All works fine now.

    Thanks very much.

    I mark issue as csolved.

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