Material node settings - Findings sharing

Issue #880 resolved
VP created an issue

hi! I discovered the following when trying to tweak the material settings. I'm using the materials from Beulah.

Daz render:

BSDF method

The cycles mix factor’s value in Daz Translucent node is 0 by default . This caused the skin turning green.

I changed it back to 0.6 and it returns similar results as in Daz. → is this intended to set as 0 by default?
I'm hoping to tone down the eyebag/nose's greenish part further but haven't succeeded yet.

Principled method

I changed the default settings with the following and was able to get a closer result.

  • all skin: sheen 0.01
  • sclera: eyescolort gamma 3 --> 1.5

However I wasn't able to tweak the eyelash and iris to have similar results as BSDF method / Daz. I wasn't able to turn down the lips' reflection either to make it moist rather than glossy.

Just want to share in case someone is also using the same Ergou materials like me 😉 thanks Thomas and others for this great plugin! 🙂

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    That happens when your render settings are too limited for the materials to work fine, you should have received a warning by the plugin. You can update the render settings in the global settings panel. With good settings the skin works fine.

    As for the mix parameters in the daz translucent group, they were introduced to allow sss instead of volume, but requires manual tweaking so you have to know what you’re doing. Then if you ask me this doesn’t make sense since if you want to tweak materials you go for the principled option. But some user heavily insisted to have sss into the bsdf option so Thomas did the trick.

  2. VP reporter

    Thanks Alessandro! 😁 I was only using the Update Render Settings under Materials panel and thought that it has already updated the render settings for me. Turns out my global settings were using Ignore so I didn’t get the warning either.

    I updated the settings and reimported again. The BSDF method looks fine now. I ultimately want to send the figure to be used in Unreal for live mocap, therefore I was thinking of using Principled method so that I can re-create something similar in Unreal (haven’t started doing that yet so not sure how well it will go 😛 )

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