are facs_jnt_xxxx exported?

Issue #882 resolved
VP created an issue

I found my G8.1F character is unable to close eyes properly after exported to Blender.

In Daz it looks like this:

After importing with these settings, I tried using both Eye Blink and Eyes Closed morphs but both can’t make the eyes closed properly.

(Eyes closed will make the lower lid move up a bit too)

In Daz I found that it seems facs_cbs_Eyeblink also got the facs_jnt_Eyeblink as well, is it because of these facs_jnt are not imported, therefore the eyes cannot be closed properly in blender?

These are the settings I used for easy import:

Thank you so much!!

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    PA figures usually get custom morphs that you have to load separately with “import custom morphs“. Otherwise the standard G8F morphs are used without corrections, that may be good enough or not depending on the figure.

  2. VP reporter

    Thanks Alessandro, how do you tell it’s a custom morph? I opened a default G8.1F figure and it’s also using the facs_jnt_xxx morphs for eye blink. how to get these basic jnt also be exported?

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    In daz studio if you select “currently used“ in the parameters tab and check “show hidden properties“ in the menu then you can see the custom morphs, but basically everything that’s in the figure folder has to be imported if you want the full figure morphs. The “import custom morphs“ tool will open at the figure folder.

    Personally I try to use as few morphs and jcms as possible, but this requires some study of the figure.

    Another way, that’s better for blender and also cheap, is to use the standard daz morphs packages to make new figures, instead of buying PA figures in the shop. This way you don’t need to import custom morphs.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You could try to set the morph value to something > 1, say Eye Closed = 1.1. For this to work you must set both Slider Limits and DAZ Limits to Custom in the global settings, and set Custom Max to 1.5 or so. Or Update Slider Limits in the Advanced Morph section.

  5. VP reporter

    Thanks Alessandro and Thomas! For this character, I was able to get the eyes closed properly after loading the Beulah morphs and set them all to 1. I was also able to use the mix shape key function to create a real eyeblink shapekey 😆 super useful!!

    For some reason after adding the custom morph, I can only see the custom morph shape key in the shape keys panel but not in the Custom Morphs panel. (No response when clicking Open All Categories)

    Do I need to do some other steps before the custom shape key can be shown here? Thanks!

  6. VP reporter

    Oh I just found out why… It’s because I only typed in the new category name in the Import Custom Morph dialog window. Just now I tried to use the Add Shapekey to Category under Advanced Setup panel to create new category and it works now!! thank you so much~~

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