problems with rigify diffeomorphic

Issue #883 resolved
zack redfiel created an issue

Hello. I'm using dysmorphic rigify, whenever I move a male character's torso down, the legs distort instead of turning or when I move my feet the legs scale instead of bending, the strange thing is that on female characters there is no trouble.
What could be the problem?

Comments (7)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Rigify relies on prebended limbs for ik to work fine, and the daz figures don’t prebend the legs. This is a limit with rigify.

    To fix this you can use “optimize pose for ik“ in the finishing tab. But this will break the daz poses if you import them. Not an issue if you do your original animation in blender and don’t need the daz poses.

    Otherwise you can use the “ik fix“ in the rigify conversion panel. This will only add ik limits so doesn’t break the compatibility with the daz poses, but requires a minimal prebending to work fine. Unfortunately not all the daz figures work with this. The G8F legs are more prebended than the G8M legs for example. So G8F works but G8M doesn’t. See #498.

    As a last option you can prebend a little yourself before converting to rigify.

  2. zack redfiel reporter

    Thanks so much, what you said about “optimize pose for ik” worked. but how can i prebend before using rigify? I don't understand much about rigify.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    You do it before converting to rigify. Just go to edit mode and move the knee bones a little, so that the legs are prebended as you wish.

  4. zack redfiel reporter

    also worked to fix it that way. I was about to switch to MHX but I remembered that the poses or keyframes I did in rigify I would have to do from scratch in MHX haha. just in case, is there a way to copy poses from rigify and pass them to MHX? thanks for answering

  5. Shubham Patil

    Push bones a little forward manually top and bottom bone, rigify want to know where it has to bend. It will fix

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