No Color with OOT Top Updo Hair

Issue #885 resolved
Jason Weise created an issue

Hello!, I have been trying to bring a character across to Blender with the OOT Top Updo Hair and I cannot seem to get it to come across with the color I have chosen in Daz (or even the default color).

The hair always comes across and renders as white. Is there a way to have the actual color attribute come across as well as the texture? I think this might be the reason as the texture appears to be white and has a color overlayed in the surface in Daz.

Thanks in advance!

Comments (3)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    OOT uses his own custom shader for hair. That’s a rather unique feature since any other asset uses the standard daz shaders. So custom shaders are not supported and you have to fix them by hand. Though the plugin tries to import what it can understand. Or change it with any hair other than OOT that will work fine.

    Then Thomas is beginning to support some bricks, but OOT is a compiled shader so will not work either.

    edit. important. Unexpectedly, you can also convert OOT to uber by applying the iray uber base, the conversion is quite good and works fine in blender.

  2. Jason Weise reporter

    Amazing! Thanks so much for your help. I can just convert, that will work fine.

    Thanks for taking the time to help.

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