Custom Morphs not accessible from menu

Issue #89 resolved
Chuki Cicha created an issue

Tried with both an existing project and a new project. As usual, when you have just imported a character, you dont have the Custom morphs menu, but once you import custom morphs, it’ll show, and if you click it, it shows the custom morphs with its drivers, Don’t really know in which commit it broke, but with commit 959cd39 the menu is not opening.

I have the shapekeys added to the mesh, they show under the Shapekeys menu, but the custom morphs menu won’t open

Last commit I was using, and this was working, was b57c653

Clicking on the Custom morphs menu does nothing at all

Comments (9)

  1. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Tested some commits, and the menu works in commit 104d096 but no longer in the next commit, which is 203323a, for now I’ll be using the latest commit in which this function works, which is, as I said, 104d096

  2. engetudouiti

    I confirmed. About old custom morphs, they still keep driver, but un-visible as controller in add on panell >morph>custom morph section.

    I test with old data 2 days ago like this.

    Tried up-date , and, I remove driver, then use advance set-up, morph> add driver,, but both not work.

    Other Dz Controller still be shown without problem.

  3. Chuki Cicha reporter

    Yes, only the Custom Morphs menu isn’t showing, if you import new custom morphs, they’re added to the mesh as shapekeys, but the driver controller isn’t showed on the custom morphs menu

  4. engetudouiti

    hm, get this erroer,

    location: <unknown location>:-1
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\TAKE\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\DAZ-importtool-git\", line 881, in draw
    rig = morphing.getRigFromObject(context.object)
    NameError: name 'morphing' is not defined

    then if try to import multi selected custom morphs,

    it may only generate one shape key, because blender seems stop, when generate controller for the shape key.(got erroer)

    I suppose.

  5. engetudouiti

    So I suppose, we only need change


    rig = morphing.getRigFromObject(context.object)


    rig = getRigFromObject(context.object)

    without module name. then up-date script, for me it work. (test with 2.83)

    (if you try, please keep copy,,or wait thomas correct it)

    Though I may need to serch and check same function in

    if there is same problem.

  6. engetudouiti

    btw (off topic)

    why I love 2.83 we can up-date script, from top menu

    blender mark>system>reload script , now all add on up-date correctly.

    without use space or serch etc,

    For me, it is really useful to up-date my test script etc ^^;

    why 2.82 official version not include it,,

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