Rigs aren't merged by Easy Import if exported HD from Daz

Issue #890 resolved
VP created an issue

Hi! The figure was exported HD from Daz and I used the following settings (including merge rigs) in Easy Import.

But the imported figure’s rig are still separated.

If I export without HD, it works perfectly.

Diffeo -

Blender - 2.93

Comments (6)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Works fine here, but I tried with different options don’t know if this can help.

    victoria 8.1 HD, blender 3.0.1, diffeomorphic

  2. VP reporter

    Thanks Alessandro, I tried with Victoria 8.1 HD and it works 🤔 Not sure why it didn’t work for my character. I’ll just merge it afterwards then

  3. Ke Yang

    I have the same problem and find the reason of it.

    After importing to Blender, there is an error in console says unable to rebuild clothes’s subdivision.

    That’s why merge rig is not finished.

    This problem only happens when using “export HD to Blender“. And I guess, it only happens for some clothes.

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