to "Import Custom Morphs" for Muscle Volumes (Flex Control shapekeys) not working

Issue #893 resolved
Jochen Sutter created an issue

I tried to import “Muscle Volumes” respectively the “Muscle Flex Control” of this Custom Morphs

The Files are not named with JCM but with xFLX. Could that be the reason why it’s not working?

After importing them with “import Custom Morphs” I get a section, but no shapekeys. Is there a way to imort this xFlex file as JCM shapekeys?

Comments (5)

  1. Jochen Sutter reporter

    I’ve solved the issue. I just have to copy the ctrl files in the same folder and then import all musculatur shapekeys. Then it works. The Muscle Volumes Flex shapekeys are in different folders.

  2. Jochen Sutter reporter

    The solution is: In the "Muscle Volumes"\xenic101\Musculature" all shapekeys are in different folders, also the xflx (flexions) are in a seperate folder. So I copied all shapekeys into one new folder and imported all together with "import Custom Morphs". Now it works!

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