Disable Stretching

Issue #896 resolved
Midnight Arrow created an issue

When a Rigify rig is created the IK limb stretch defaults to On. This is meant for cartoon rigs with rubber hose limbs. Since the majority of Daz figures are meant to be realistic I think it would be better to disable this by default.

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    It may seem so but ik stretch is a key feature for good animation. That is, it ensures that the feet and hands lock to the ik target when you pose other parts of the figure. A little stretch is not noticed by the audience while a foot or hand that doesn’t stay in place is.

    That said, personally the default doesn’t bother me we can switch to off. But be aware.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    IK stretch is turned on because that is the default Rigify setting. You can change it in the Rig Main Properties panel in the Item tab, with one of the arm or leg bones selected. You can change several other settings in the same menu. Since I don’t have an opinion about which settings are best (I don’t use Rigify myself), I will stick with the Rigify defaults.

  3. Midnight Arrow reporter

    Personally I think it’s better to reposition the torso than create non-anatomically correct poses, but if it’s not going to be changed I’ll close the issue then.

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