Eyleashes and its armature should be joined with the body

Issue #9 resolved
Roman Evstifeev created an issue

Currently when g8 female is imported the eylalshes are disjoint with the rest of the body, and they have its own armature, which duplicates some bones of the body armature, and also has breast bones - this is very confusing. On the screenshot i moved eyelashes forwards a bit to demonstrate the issue better - eyleashes has breast bones - rPectoral and lPectoral:

What i would expect to have when i import the model is

  1. Eylashes should be joined with the body into one mesh
    2. Eylashes and body (eyelids) should have single rig

Comments (6)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Eyelashes and other kinds of clothes can easily be joined with the character after the objects have been imported. Doing it in a separate step after import gives the user the freedom to choose what should be joined with what.

    To join the armatures, press Merge Rigs with the character armature active and the armatures you want to join selected. See http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/corrections-section.html.

    To join the eyelash mesh to the character mesh, use Blender’s built-in join function (ctrl-J). Then merge the UV layers into a single one with Merge UV Layers. See http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/p/finishing-section.html.

  2. Roman Evstifeev reporter

    Thanks, it worked. But after i merged rigs, the breast bones which was on eyelashes are disappeared - why they aren’t merged into the body bones?

  3. Roman Evstifeev reporter

    Eyelid bones are gone too - they was the crux of the issue, being out of sync with eyelashes when i tried to make the eye blink.

  4. Roman Evstifeev reporter

    Ah! I had to join the meshes first, this is essential to properly merge rigs. Now it works, thanks.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The bones are not gone, they are just located on a different bone layer. The addon puts driven bones on layer 2 or 3. The breast is driven by the clavicle, and the eyelids by the eyes.

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