FAQ or Forum for the plugin

Issue #90 closed
Chuki Cicha created an issue
This is not for the plugin, this is for some external website.

I think it would be really useful to have some kind of forum, website, or something like that where people can post doubts or help requests, and other members can answer them. For example I have a question but I don’t know where to ask, because here’s only for issues.

Also maybe there’s already a website but I don’t know about it.

Comments (12)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    But I agree that a more structured forum would be very nice. This plug-in was originally meant to be my private tool for importing Daz characters into Blender, but recently I feel that it is starting to grow beyond what I can handle myself.

  2. Zack Johnson

    I agree this would be an awesome addition.

    I try to post and help other people when I can, and I have received some very useful tips from people on this website as well as the blenderartists thread. It would be great to have a dedicated forum or something of that nature so we could all gather in one spot and help make this plug-in even more powerful.

  3. Michael Collins

    Going to leave this offer on the table but if you’d like a forum (Discourse) for DiffieMorphic I’m more than willing to setup a dedicated category for you and DiffieMorphic on unofficial3dforums.com just send me a PM.

  4. sc

    We need to setup a discord server too in order to exchange in a rapid way. You can pin intersesting posts too so others who joins after can find easily what they are looking for. But i feel like this plugin is growing everyday so sooner or later a full proper documentation and tutorials will be required

  5. Michael Collins

    Just saying that if you don’t want to go through the trouble and expense you’re more than happy to utilize Unofficial 3D. It’s a project I started a little over a month ago to provide an independent 3D forum for several pieces of software (Blender, DAZ, Zbrush, etc.) that wasn’t tied to a specific vendor and whose purpose wasn’t to “sell” something and a place where artists could share WIPs or final works without having to worry about running afoul of a platform’s “rules”. I’m a 3D hobbyist. Learning Blender. Just my way of giving back to the community.

  6. ByteC

    Having a discord channel for DazImport would be great. @ThomasL, if you need a discord nitro server boost, or any fund support for a forum, do not hesitate to ask :)

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Thanks to everybody for their support, but I do not want to be involved in yet another forum. If somebody else sets it up its fine, but I have neither the time nor the interest to participate myself, and I think that it is better to use the official Daz 3D Forum dedicated to Blender which already exists.

    Besides, I am skeptical of a paid solution, whether paid by myself or somebody else. This may work for a while, but if somebody stops paying after a few years the forum will disappear. Of course, free solutions may disappear too, but if Bitbucket, Dropbox or Blogger disappear we will have serious problems anyway. That the fees are not paid is an additional risk.

  8. Chuki Cicha reporter

    This plugin is awesome, the thing is that it’s really hard to pass the stuff from daz into unreal, unreal isn’t compatible with anything, it’s really hard but you can find your way through, it’s just hard and you’ll have to investigate a lot

  9. Hardwire

    I have asked about this in the past and I completely understand Thomas’s point of view as well as others. So, I created a free discord. I can't promise anything, except a place to share ideas and safely ask questions. Also I have never managed an online community of any kind so don’t expect much. However here is is.

    https://discord.gg/ftMk3MGKg Invite is only good for 30 days. To make it a community means letting discord scan everything as well as delete stuff. Considering the sometimes nature of DAz + Diffeo usage I’ve opted not to make it a “Community” so to speak. As I learn more about what I am doing I will update the link.

    This link may be more permanent. Well see.

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