Issue with Hamleon's Easy Jean/Panties/Shorts/Capris not importing properly (Geoshell issue?)

Issue #903 resolved
Paul created an issue

I’m trying to use Hamleon’s Easy Jeans but I’m having issues when importing into Blender. No matter what options I try, the geoshell imports without and texture displayed. I’ve tried easy and standard imports with and without ‘merge geoshells’ selected in both the easy import options and the global options but get the same results every time.

This is how the jeans look when imported into Blender:

And how they look in Daz:

I’ve also tried Hamleon’s Easy Panties with the same results:

And have also tested with ‘Sexy Skinz Hot Pants' by vyktohria which work properly:

Daz Studio Version 4.20.03

Blender Version: 3.0.0

Diffeo version: 1.6.1 Development version (as of 28 Feb 22). (Also tested with stable with same results).

I’m not a Blender guru or D|S expert, so it’s entirely possible I’m doing something wrong.

Comments (9)

  1. Paul reporter

    I just tried the easy.duf test scene and get the same results as before; torso and leg mats are showing as dark brown with no jeans texture applied.

    I also manually checked and removed any old diffeo plugin folders from Blender’s plugin folder and then redownloaded and reinstalled the plugin with the same results. If you’ve got any suggestions as to what I might have done to mess things up, I’m all ears.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Did you get any error message from the plugin ?

    window > toggle system console

    documents > daz_importer_errors.txt

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Yes it means the plugin can’t find the uv maps. If you installed some content outside the standard daz studio content folder then you need to add your custom folders in the global settings for the plugin to find them.

    Below it’s my system console, with the default verbosity 2 I don’t get errors in the log.

    Loading C:\Users\Alessandro\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scenes\easy.duf
    Parsing data
    Found UV set 'Easy Pants' in '/data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/UV Sets\hameleon\Easy Pants\Easy Pants.dsf#Easy Pants'
    Fitting objects with dbz file...
    Zero verts: Genesis8Female_Shell
    Building objects...

  4. Paul reporter

    I think I’ve fixed it. On a hunch, I moved the ‘My Library’ runtime from first to last place in my global settings as I had a memory of either DIM or whatever Daz is calling the new updater installing the base meshes to ‘My Library' after a system rebuild, rather than my preferred runtime location.

    So, I think I’ve got multiple versions of the base characters installed in two different places; an old version in ‘My Library’ which I’m assuming the plugin was reading first, and the latest version in my custom runtime which was being ignored.

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