Selected materials not showing in render for Victoria 8 HD

Issue #906 resolved
Guzman Deli created an issue

DazStudio 4.15, Blender 2.93, Victoria 8 HD, Sunless for Genesis 8 Female(s)


I imported Victoria 8 with HD-Addons and Sunless for Genesis 8 Female(s) via Diffeomorphic. As indicated by the appended images in the Render Viewport all materials show correctly whereas when rendering through a camera the materials on the arms and legs are not properly showing. Selected render engine is Cycles. For some reason the leg-material is showing entirely correct except for the surface of the toenails whereas the arm material is severly flawed.

I did not make any changes to the material node setups. A screenshot of the material for the arm is appended.

Any ideas on this issue are very welcome.
Thank you in advance.

Comments (16)

  1. Guzman Deli reporter

    I just noticed that there exists a plug-in specifically for HD characters. So I used the wrong plug-in. I will try it with this one now and see if the error persists.

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    For the record, it makes no sense to use a “skin adjuster“ in daz studio with the principled option in blender. Since principled will not convert the skin correctly anyway and you will need to adjust it in blender rather than in daz studio.

    So, how does it look with the bsdf option ?

    As for the HD addon it is a different way to deal with HD maps. That is, diffeomorphic will use a multires version, while the HD addon is for baking.

  3. Guzman Deli reporter

    I found that when using the _Export HD to Blender-_Plug-in, the errors look less severe but the arms still show incorrectly.

    Thank you for your response Alessandro. I will next perform tests with BSDF.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Looking at the material there’s nothing that could cause that issue. You’re probably missing to hide/delete the base resolution.

    That is, the HD option imports two versions both base resolution and HD. It does so because it is then possible to bake the HD to the base resolution instead of using multires. Something similar to the HD addon, but the HD addon provides more options.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, there are a number of users that get confused by this “dual import“ HD + base resolution. Couldn’t be provided an option in the global settings to delete the base resolution ? This way only multires will remain as most users would expect to. This would be especially useful for the easy import aimed at simplifying things.

    The only exception would be when multires can’t be created for geometry issues, or because some geometry as clothing or props is at base resolution in daz studio. In this case we could go for deleting the HD geometry that can’t be converted to multires, and keep the base resolution. Then we could merge what we get into a single HD collection, one for every figure in the scene, so the base collections get purged too.

    The option could be named something like “Prune HD Import“ with description like “Delete the base meshes for HD import, unless multires can’t be created, and merge into a single HD collection per figure.“

    Then if the user uncheck “Prune HD Import“ in the global settings he will get both as before for baking.

    Otherwise we do it by hand as usual, deleting and merging every time. I mean if this is unpractical to implement for some reason. Please let us know what you think.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Guzman, I checked and works fine here. Test scene included sunless.duf.

    Be sure to get the latest version and that there are no errors in the console. If you installed some content outside the default daz folder you have to add your custom folders in the global settings otherwise the addon may not find some textures.

  7. Guzman Deli reporter

    Alessandro, your .duf worked perfectly for me. When importing that to blender, I got a base mesh as well as a HD mesh. I hid the base mesh and could reproduce your results. However, concerning my own project-file: when I import it I get a different structure, where there is no base mesh to be deleted. Also when using BSDF the problem persists.

  8. Guzman Deli reporter

    I tried to reproduce the error by re-buidling the scene in Daz3d from ground up, exporting to Blender between each modification. Everything worked as desired. So I must have made some mistake which the initial project, no clue what it could have been. So I am sorry that I can not provide this information. Anyways, thanks for your help!

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