Merge rigs may remove added custom props for bone?

Issue #91 resolved
engetudouiti created an issue

It is small things, but if you can keep custom prop for each bone, which I added, after merge rigs, it is really apreciate.

I found my added custom prop, to memorize bone infomation, removed when merged.

(I hope to keep custom props, for all bones, when merged rigs. so I can still access those bone property value, after merged)

eg,, for G3F genitals rig I added csutom props, but after merged those prop seems disappear.

Or I need once save blend file, to keep bone custom props untill merged?

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, properties disappear when you merge rigs. Rigs should be merged before morphs are loaded, and geografts should must be merged afterwards.

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