Changing & Applying Armature Scale Breaks Pose Importing

Issue #94 resolved
Matthew Richmond created an issue

Importing a DAZ figure, changing the scale of the armature, and applying transforms to the armature and its child meshes completely breaks pose importing. See attachment for example.

Comments (10)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I wasn’t able to reproduce this behavior, but it may be because I didn’t find any pose that affects the scale channels. However, if I rotate the rig and apply the transformation, posing indeed becomes broken. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is anything to do about that. Each bone has some custom properties which describes its orientation in DS, and that information is used in posing. If you apply an object transformation, these custom properties become outdated and will lead to incorrect posing.

    So the conclusion is, don’t scale the character and apply the scale. Choose the right scale when the scene is imported instead.

  2. Matthew Richmond reporter

    The pose tested here is one of the stock poses that comes with G8F, so there shouldn’t be an issue there.

    The problem with your solution simply being “don’t scale the character” is that it’s incompatible with my workflow, as I primarily work in Blender as opposed to DAZ.

  3. Matthew Richmond reporter

    As a workaround, perhaps I could import the DAZ poses, export them to a format that doesn’t rely on custom properties (such as the plaintext .pose format), and then see if those import properly on my DAZ model with modified scale.

    UPDATE: This workaround works! Adds around a minute to importing a pose but that’s no biggy.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    I can’t reproduce the issue either. Below a Posed G8F where I scaled her to about 2.40 m and applied the scale to the armature and mesh. It seems she works fine. Anyway the solution by Thomas is not “don’t scale the character”, it is rather “choose the right scale when the character is imported” that you can do in the import options.

    Then if you need a giant or mini character you can also scale it in daz studio so it may be imported fine.

  5. Matthew Richmond reporter

    Can you go into detail as to your working environment?

    This issue occurs for me on the latest commit of Import DAZ and the latest experimental build of Blender v2.83.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    Please always state your specs when reporting issues this avoids to waste time. The plugin is supposed to work fine with stable versions of daz studio and blender. There may be issues with the betas. Especially blender beta may have issues because of continuous changes in the api as the blender team is unfortunately used to do that.

    I’m using daz studio (the new 4.12.1 has serious issues with animation even if it’s released), blender 2.82a that’s the up to date stable release, latest plugin commit as available for download.

  7. Matthew Richmond reporter

    I apologize, it didn’t seem likely that this was an issue with a newer Blender release as there is not a single visible error reported within Blender or its console.

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