HD Export of GeoGraft has a stray vertex

Issue #948 closed
schema created an issue

I exported the Golden Palace Genesis 8 geograft (on a morphed figure) with the DAZ Geometry Editor active to HD blender (I needed to change viewport subdiv to something else and back before “export to HD blender”, or the HD mesh of GP wasn’t exported at all (throwing the warning on import))

Upon importing I noticed a stray vertex on the mesh.

Above here is the multires HD mesh with the faulty vertex. (figure set to not visible)

Above here is the base resolution mesh with normal subdiv.

Unfortunately, merging the subdiv base geograft mesh with the HD figure makes some normal morphs behave strangely, though that could be an issue on my side not being done in the correct order.

Merging the HD grograft causes some misaligned vertices and gaps in the skin. both on the front and the back.

Comments (4)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    This is a known issue, multires doesn’t always work fine that’s a blender limit. See #382.

    Please close the issue.

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