is Merge UV layer geograft still different than version ?

Issue #949 closed
bouich jules created an issue


I wanted to know if merge UV layer for geograft is still different than version: 3c6ca0947e4 of the plugin.

it has been deleted here Diffeomorphic / import_daz / commit / c20f8fef1e26 — Bitbucket then here Diffeomorphic / import_daz / commit / c20f8fef1e26 — Bitbucket

And then it has been brought back here:

Diffeomorphic / import_daz / commit / 97edbf59e67a — Bitbucket

but while using the old version commit 3c6ca0947e4 ( before it has been deleted) i am having better results when i transfer my character to my game engine than with the new version last current commit.

i don’t know if it’s me, or if the merge uv has not been brought back fully.

maybe it’s me, but anyway just want to let you know!

Thank you.

Comments (9)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    ok i can confirm there is a problem with the merge uv layer

    i am using Golden Palace with Xin HD plugin. for an HD mesh.

  2. bouich jules reporter

    Ok I figure out the problem! it’s because the new version of the plugin doesn’t import this

  3. bouich jules reporter

    @Thomas Larsson The new version of the plugin doesn’t bring this important UV map, so golden palace will have problems because uv are missing.

  4. bouich jules reporter

    Testing with an old version of the plugin: version of the plugin: Version for the commit: 3c6ca0947e4

    UV are PERFECT!

    but with the last version of the plugin here how it looks:

  5. bouich jules reporter

    the version of the plugin that give good UV results i am using is an old commit from last year.

  6. bouich jules reporter

    Actually it’s really a critical issue.

    it’s a downgrade, almost all UV of golden palace are lost in the recent updates starting of 1.6.2

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