Import "Pose controller", formula not use quartanion? (question)

Issue #95 closed
engetudouiti created an issue

I usually only import facial pose controller, (with drv bones), but I test some base pose controller, how it work. with G3F, like pCtrlArmsDownLeft . pCtrlArmsUpLeft, pCtrlArmsuUpDownLeft etc.

I had supposed, even thoguh I roll some bones (eg rotato pi/2) , it may not cause difference,because you use quartanion to import pose. (so when I import pose they work as same as default rig)

But I see if I change bone roll for local axis posing, then use Pose controller it seems mess-up.Then if you use Euler rotation for Pose controller driven values, with specific rotation order?

I could confirm, If I bake the “pose controller” as bone pose, (not use driver,) in daz, then import pose, it work with custom rolled bone. (roll p/2 etc to arrange axis direction),

but if I import as “pose controller”, then set value, it show different defomation, I think you arrange bone roll, as you feel, for each base figure, (which axis may up or foward) about each bone.

So I can follow your way, to adjust it,, but I see there is not confrim rule, how you decide bone roll

Most typical case is, (R,L)ForArmBend and (R,L) lShldrbend bones.

Daz set rotation axis for Shldrbend as XYZ. to set “UP down” as main rotation axis = Z

On the other hand,, about ForArmBend,

set rotation axis for as XZY to set “Bend” (side to side from T pose) as main axis rotation = Y

But at current plug in generate bone, without change roll about those 2 bones. so it means, 2 bones use same “main rotation” axis. without you actually set different rotation order for rig.

If it not so difficult for you, I hope if you can edit formula value, when import each ctrlXXX.dsf then generate driver

as quartanion.

Of course if it is heavy work, I simply re-adust my rig roll. follow your bone direction, then may work.

Comments (2)

  1. engetudouiti reporter

    I may need more practical case, (and I suppose follow your direction way about each bones, seems best way to pose controller work correctly)

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