Eyelashes and Shape Keys

Issue #962 resolved
Midnight Arrow created an issue

I imported some vendor-specific eyelashes, but they look terrible with FACS units due to the transferred shape keys. Normally it’s not so bad but these look especially awful since they have an S-curve shape. In theory we only need to transfer shape keys from the area around the eyes since the whole lash will move together. So could we get a specific operator that limits the shape key transfer to just faces that actually intersect with the eyelashes? Or maybe just a hardcoded list of vertices to transfer the shape keys from?

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This was not so easy, but I think I have a solution. The Transfer Shapekeys tool now has a new method called Selected, and it only transfer from faces adjascent to selected vertices. So if you select a ring of vertices around the eyes, only the shapekey values at those faces are transferred.

  2. Midnight Arrow reporter

    It works well in some cases, but based on my brief experimentation it fails with FACS Blink and FACS Pain since the eyelashes seem to move down below the eye rims.

    The operator panel is also getting confusing, since there’s now two different “Selected” options in different places. I think it’d be clearer if there was an “Input Mapping” enum and an “Output Mapping” enum that lets you choose between all verts or selected verts.

    I tried using both selected input and selected output to isolate how the separate lashes move to fix the issues, but it threw up an error about “cverts” not being defined on line 723 of “transfer.py”

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    You could perhaps separate the eyelashes mesh into two parts, upper and lower, and transfer shapekeys to the two meshes with different vertices selected.

    But I agree that the names could be better.

  4. Midnight Arrow reporter

    I tested separating the two and it seems to work about the same.

    Still getting a “cverts” error when I select both “selected verts” options.

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